Although the biggest day is over, our 31st Annual Toy Run won't be complete until Part 2, Still Creek Ranch! Still Creek Ranch(Bryan, Tx) is a rescue for children of all ages, that are taken out of the home due to violence, abuse, addiction, etc., and each year we are able to give gifts to each child housed there.
Since The Ranch Harley-Davidson took over the Toy Run three years ago, we dedicate a separate day to give the kids more time & attention, and let Santa hand out the gifts one by one!
The ride (TBA) will leave from The Ranch Harley-Davidson. This is not a Police Escorted ride, cars are welcome and the departing time will be announced soon!
Still Creek Ranch relies heavily on donations such as; paper goods(plates, plasticware, cups, toilet paper, paper towels, etc), shampoos, conditioner, soap, body wash, feminine products, diapers, wipes, razors, etc. We will be accepting donations to deliver, until December 15th at The Ranch Harley-Davidson! Help us show these kids they aren't alone and they are loved!
Click HERE to visit the Facebook Event Page to get the most up-to-date information & to RSVP!
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