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How can you get involved?? 

One of the best things about this event, is how the entire community comes together, no matter our differences. So even if you don't ride a motorcycle, etc., we still want you involved! There are practically endless opportunities to donate to our Foundation! 

-Monetary Support is the biggest benefit! Again, 100% of the money we raise, goes straight to the selected family’s needs each year. 

In-Kind Donations! We have numerous local business, like Ashley Furniture, Sleep Station, and D&D Moving, to name a few, that we partner with that provides in-kind support. If any local business has a good and/or service that could be beneficial to the families we have each year, we would love to partner up! 

Silent & Live Auction items! We have two large auction events (in July & December) each year to help raise money. If you or someone you know, has anything you’d like to donate to our auction, we accept them all year! (handmade items & gift cards always do well!)

Setting up a collection drive at a business! Such as a money collection box, stuffed animals, canned foods, etc. We can provide all necessary supplies to get started, all you have to do is let people know!

-Suggestions and ideas are ALWAYS accepted! Do you have an idea? Let us know!

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